Exploring the relationship between hydration and gut health
Team Gabit
9 months ago | 5 mins

Exploring the relationship between hydration and gut health

Magical powers of water: Here is what you need to know how water enables good gut health and your overall well-being.

Water makes up 60% of our body, a major component of our body. It is required for various crucial functions, it facilitates the transportation of various minerals and nutrients throughout the body and helps remove waste. The gut is the gastrointestinal (GI) tract or the digestive system, it runs from the mouth to the anus, and water helps in the smooth operation of the digestive system. 

The vital role of hydration: Understanding its impact on gut health

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Water performs multiple functions in the process of digestion. Here is the relationship between hydration and gut health:

  1. Water helps in saliva production.
  2. Gastric juices in the stomach are made up of water.
  3. Water dissolves vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients, which thus makes it easier to get absorbed in the intestines.
  4. Drinking enough water makes it possible for the nutrients to be transported throughout cell membranes and the bloodstream.
  5. Water keeps the inside of the gut moist, shielding it from the strong acids used for digestion.
  6. Digestive enzymes work best in a watery environment that helps to break the food effectively.
  7. Adequate water intake keeps stool soft and easier to pass.
  8. Not enough water can mess up the good bacteria in the gut thus making it harder for your body to fight germs.

Optimising gut health through proper hydration: Benefits and strategies

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We just read about the relationship between staying hydrated and gut health. A good gut health is directly proportional to drinking enough water. It is recommended to drink 7-8 glasses of water everyday. When we don’t drink enough water, our body rebels by showing these symptoms:

  1. Thirst
  2. Dry mouth
  3. Dark yellowish urine
  4. Dizziness and fatigue
  5. Bloating and cramps
  6. Indigestion and constipation
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Here are some strategies to avoid any of these from happening and staying hydrated:

  1. Start your day with a glass of water.
  2. Carry a water bottle with yourself wherever you go.
  3. Consume watery fruits and vegetables.
  4. Set alarms so as to remind yourself to drink water.
  5. There are mobile applications that help you track how much water you’ve consumed throughout the day, installing those will help.
  6. You can also consume other forms of water such as coconut water, fruit juices and milk for a change.
  7. Flavour your water with fruits, herbs, or cucumbers.

Debunking the myth: Addressing common misconceptions about water and digestion

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Staying hydrated is so important, but there are some myths that might halt your hydration journey. Let us address some common misconceptions about water and digestion:

Myth no.1: Drinking water with meals dilutes digestive juices.

This is entirely a myth that drinking water with meals dilutes digestive juices. In fact, drinking water during or after meals helps to break food and facilitates digestion.

Myth no.2: Cold drinks and soft drinks are hydrating.

These carbonated and sugar drinks rather dehydrate you. Water should be the top choice for hydrating yourself.

Myth no 3: Drinking water before sleep can disrupt your sleep due to constant urination. Dehydration will disturb sleep more than urine breaks.

Myth no 4: Drinking excessive water, can lead to electrolyte imbalance and hyponatremia.For most individuals consuming 2.5 to 4 litres of water daily, poses no significant risk, except those who are suffering from specific health concerns like cardiac disorder.


know and learn about gut health and hydration

Water is the foundation of a healthy gut, it enables proper functioning of the digestive system. Not only for the gut, but for our entire body, water is the most essential fluid. Staying hydrated thus becomes a necessity to support all the life functions, not a choice. So grab a glass of water in the name of good gut health. Cheers!

Frequently Asked Question

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How does hydration influence gut health, and why is it important for digestive function?

Water helps perform the following digestive functions of our body:

  1. Saliva production.
  2. Gastric juices in the stomach is made up of water.
  3. Makes vitamins and minerals to easily get absorbed in the intestines.
  4. Keeps the inside of the gut moist, shielding it from the strong acids used for digestion.
  5. Adequate water intake keeps stool soft and easier to pass.

Can drinking water aid digestion, and if so, how does it support the digestive process?

know and learn about gut health and hydration

Yes, water is extremely important for the process of digestion, it helps perform various functions while digesting the food such as breaking down the food, transporting the essential nutrients, bowel regulation, etc. Here are some of it’s functions: 

  1. Saliva production.
  2. Gastric juices present in the stomach is made up of water.
  3. Helps vitamins and minerals to easily get absorbed in the intestines.
  4. Keeps the inside of the gut moist, protecting it from the strong acids used for digestion.
  5. Enough water intake keeps stool soft and easier to let out.

What are some benefits of staying properly hydrated for overall gut health and wellness?

Here are the benefits of staying properly hydrated:

  1. Smooth functioning of the digestive system
  2. Transportation of minerals and nutrients
  3. Keeps microbiome happy
  4. Better bowel regulation

What are some common misconceptions about water's role in digestion, and how can they be addressed?

It is advised to not blindly follow anything you hear and get your facts checked. Some common misconceptions about water’s role in digestion are:

Drinking water with meals dilutes digestive juices.
This is entirely a myth that drinking water with meals dilutes digestive juices. In fact, drinking water during or after meals helps to break food and facilitates digestion.

Drinking water before sleep can disrupt your sleep due to constant urination.
Dehydration will disturb sleep more than urine breaks.

Drinking excessive water can lead to electrolyte imbalance and hyponatremia. 
For most individuals consuming 2.5 to 4 litres of water daily, poses no significant risk, except for those who are suffering from specific health concerns like cardiac disorder.

How can individuals ensure they are adequately hydrated to support their gut health?

Here are some ways to ensure proper hydration:

  1. Start your day with a glass of water.
  2. Carry a water bottle with you wherever you go.
  3. Consume watery fruits and vegetables.
  4. Set alarms so as to remind yourself to drink water.

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